Thursday 2 January 2020

Why blog?

It's a good question. Considering 99.99% of personal blogs are repositories for masturbatory self-aggrandising meaningless bullshit, why risk contributing to the growing landfill?

Well, I can't write it out with pen and paper, because I have this OCD thing where I feel compelled to fill in the surplus space left between intersecting lines in my handwriting. Also, words and phrases can't be crossed out with a single line—they need to be blotted out entirely. Way back in school I used to leave time at the end of an exam to satisfy both these urges. Pathetic. There's more to it, but I'll explore it another time.

Lastly, there's a great finality to hitting 'Publish' on a blog post.

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Happy New Decade

Spent the day recovering from your typical New Year's Day hangover. Will write more tomorrow.


Need to learn the London System.